Online URBANKIZ Lessons
Dancing is similar to driving a car. Find out in what way.
In dancing there is always this talk about the connection between partners.
When I ask what do you think the connection means I hear different versions of: “It is something you feel which creates a flow of the dance.”
In my opinion, the connection between partners starts when a man acts la man, while dancing, and a woman acts like a woman. It means, that a man leads a story he wants, and a woman follows as accurate as possible.
The follower must absorb, as much as possible the mistakes that might appear during the dance.
It is like driving a car: in this case the leader is the driver, and the follower, a beautiful car. The car must respond to the signals of the driver and absorb any obstacles (potholes) you encounter on the road without disturb the driver.
And also, the leader must adapt to the level of the follower and adjust to it accordingly to the responsiveness, the speed, the quality of movement of his partner.
As a follower, to maintain the connection you must always have the intention to follow your partner with your chest, as it were an invisible thread which links you both.
For example, when the leader turns his partner, besides him and makes a pattern of movements (if the tension of the signal is released) the follower must comeback face to face towards the leader, keeping the connection around the chest area.
The follower is
responsible for keeping the connection, feeling this invisible thread and be
sensitive and receptive to the leader’s signals, without anticipating the next
On a final note: always
remember, to have fun, relax and not take dancing too seriously! Enjoy it with
your partner
THIS HAS BEEN AN EXCERPT FROM THE BOOK: Urban Kiz - history, concepts, steps, by Alexandru Eugen Cristea & Iulia Maria Badiu. More details on our BOOKS page.