Online URBANKIZ Lessons





Below you can find our collection of books. They contain a LOT of very useful information. They're great for pupils and teachers alike. 


History, Concepts, Steps

The FIRST book about Urban Kiz in the world.

The book will be launched in January, 2022. Stay tuned for details. 

Authors: Alexandru Eugen Cristea & Iulia Maria Badiu.

The book presents a thorough history of Urban Kiz, in-depth concepts, Kizomba basic steps, Urban Kiz basic and intermediate combos, musicality and more.


Kizz Up to 100 Elements

The FIRST Kizomba book in the world. 

Authors: Adrian Mirel Petrariu & Alexandru Eugen Cristea.

A magnum opus of information about Kizomba- the dance and the music, explaining in great detail 100 key elements about technique, musicality, improvisation and pedagogy.


How to Teach Kizomba

Perfect choice for people who want to teach Kizomba. 

Authors: Maria Diana Ionita & Alexandru Eugen Cristea.

The methodology, and exercises, and the exact order to teach them in a class, along with a clear step-by-step plan for the first 10 lessons when opening a Kizomba course.


Technique and Musicality

The basic concepts of Tarraxinha!

Author: Alexandru Eugen Cristea.

The book contains elements of dance movement, musical patterns, how to combine them and improvise, etc. 


Advanced Concepts

Ideal for those who wnat to understand more. 

Author: Alexandru Eugen Cristea.

In-depth explanations about Kizomba concepts, the connection between the concepts and the movements, the stages of evolution in dance, etc. 


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